Teen Summit
Generation GF
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Who are the sessions for?
A. Educational sessions at the Teen Summit will be focused on the interests of the teens in attendance and geared towards the 12-19 year old age demographic. Sessions and discussions could center on topics for a more mature audience (emotional effects, depression) so it is not recommended that kids under 12 attend. If you will be older than 19 or have questions about age of attendance, please email us as there may be some exceptions.
Q. Are the parents allowed to go to the sessions?
A. Absolutely! Parents are welcome to attend all sessions. The Keynote sessions will be for teens and their parents. There is also the opportunity for parent break-out sessions.
Q. Will there be sessions for kids or siblings under 12 years old?
A. No. Education sessions will be focused on topics relevant to gluten-free teens.
Q. Will there be a kids' area for younger siblings?
A. No, Generation GF will not be providing a kids' area for children under 12. Parents are responsible for making the necessary child care arrangements for younger children during the education sessions.
Q. Will there be any activities where the entire family can be involved?
A. Yes! The Splitsville Event on Thursday evening is entire family friendly. The only times that younger children are not involved are during the educational sessions. You may pay for your spot for this event on the registration page.
Q. Is my registration fee refundable?
A. No, registration fees are non-refundable. In the event that you are not able to attend the Summit, paid fees will become a donation to the Generation GF program.
Q. Are there scholarships available?
A. Currently there are not any scholarship opportunities but this is subject to change with the addition of more event sponsors.
Q. When can I register and book my room?
A. Both Event and Hotel Registration are now open! Go to the Registration page of this site to sign up for the events at this year's Summit. Go to the Hotel page of this site to get your special rate as a guest of the Generation GF Teen Summit.